Project Management Services
Today the project management It is used in various industrial sectors since projects are an essential part of each business. However, needs vary in case: A pharmaceutical company that must build a new plant has different needs compared to a small soft house that must launch many small projects.
Similarly, The needs of companies that sell complex services are different from those of companies that build infrastructure works or industrial systems. In this scenario the need to create a corporate project management system which supports the company in achieving its business objectives.
And project advisor can support the company in multiple activities: from methodological consultancy to support on specific projects, up to Training and mentoring of company resources. In particular, mentoring, represents an element of great value, Since you accompany younger project managers and the project teams in the application of consolidated and effective methodologies.
The solutions I offer develop on five guidelines:
♦ Company Project Management system:
The goal is the introduction and improvement of Project management methodologies, harmonize the processes, Strumenti is Best Practice, identifying the most suitable solutions, In accordance with the strategic vision of the company and with its business needs. And sistema di Project Management must be institutionalized in the company, representing a clear strategic choice, supported by management and followed by the system design in terms of organization, processes and tools. In summary, must involve:
- Organization – Definition of roles and responsibilities to guarantee a coherent implementation of Project Management.
- Processes – Standardization of management methodologies to ensure uniformity and control in the various design initiatives.
- Instruments – Adoption of adequate platforms and software to support planning, monitoring and control of projects.
In this way it will improve both the management of individual projects, and will support the realization of the company strategy for the achievement of the objectives.
♦ Planning, project planning and control (project control) in the entire life cycle: the goal is to improve the profitability of projects, the reduction of the risks of time and cost overruns, better contractual management and the possibility of enhancing the lessons learned. This is achieved by investing in quality and efficacia del Project Plan which constitutes the tool to successfully start and manage each project and through greater integration between project control and contract management activities. The Project Control activity is carried out with the use of Spring Software P6.
♦ Contract Management: The support is dedicated to the management of delays and related disputes (claim). Its usefulness is to obtain time extensions (EOT, Extension Of Time) and the refreshment of extra costs (prolongation costs). Furthermore, supports the evaluation of the variants that are a completely physiological component of the project management.
In the context of international contracts, The problems indicated require to use specific techniques for the analysis and evaluation of delays (schedule delay analysis). More in particular, In the case of disputes, appropriate Forensic Planning techniques are used such as the Windows Analysis retrospective or the Tia (Time Impact Analysis). The evaluation of temporal extensions and the Delay Analysis is also carried out with Spring P6.
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♦ Risk Management integrated with Project Planning: The planning of the project today cannot be separated from an analysis and evaluation of the risks and opportunities, both linked to the execution plan.
The difficulty is not so much in theRisk identification, – especially in the construction sector, where mostly known those who can impact most on the final result are – How much, rather, in creating a model to evaluate how they can influence the project and its milestone.
This requires to integrate the risk plan (Risk Plan) with the project program, In order to obtain a unitary vision. Today there are advanced software solutions that through Montecarlo simulation allow to obtain different risk scenarios. For some time, In numerous international projects a QSRA is required (Quantitative Schedule Risk Analysis) right from the tender phase, Activities carried out using Spring P6 and Acumen Risk.
♦ Company training and mentoring: The goal is to provide people who work in the project teams a basic or advanced training course on general and specialist themes of operational management of the projects, also through mentoring which allows the transfer of applicable knowledge in the corporate context. I developed Complete training courses For those who want to grow in their business, acquiring mastery on PM methodologies and techniques.
…Lies in the combination of an experience gained over the years on complex projects and a solid knowledge of the Best Project Management techniques. My approach is based on the TCM framework (Total Cost Management) at AACE INTERNATIONAL, certification that I have achieved in 2003.
The methods of providing services are agreed with the company based on the necessary intervention, which may vary, for example, from occasional activities, like therisks analysis or the support of the team in planning, up to long -term assignments in the PMO or as a project manager.