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Project Control Management PWC Italia course – 3° module

I have the pleasure of communicating that the 3rd module of the Project Control course dedicated to Cost Management for the group professionals was held at the PWC headquarters in Rome Capital Projects & Economics.

CORSO PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT PwC – 13 e 14 March 2024, Roma

The third module allows you to acquire a clear understanding of the methodologies and parameters to be used throughout cost management process, clarifying the parameters and techniques to be used in the cost control and budget control cycles.

The professionals of the group Capital Projects & Economics of PwC who participated in the project cost management course.

Training content

This training module deals with the cost estimating process, pricing e budgeting e introduce alle Earned Value Value Management (EVM) which represent the most sophisticated approach for the integrated management of time-costi-performance and an irreplaceable instrument of Moitoraggio (project monitoring).

The first part of the program concerns costs estimation techniques, price formulation (pricing) and the structuring of the budget. The second part deepens the Cost Control and Change Management for the revision of the budget, illustrating in detail the parameters and techniques to be used in the entire cost control process.

CPI-SPI indices - Earned Value

Finally the course introduces the EVM Methodology which integrates the planning and control of times, Costs and performances, providing an advanced tool for monitoring the project.

The methodology is clearly and rigorously explained through aguided exercise which allows you to apply the techniques learned in real time and calculate the cost control parameters and the metrica Earned Value Using a specific template.

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