I have the pleasure of communicating that we held this event in Milan in November 2023 il Second module of the program training on project control management for PwC.

The program of Training on Project Control Management has been specifically designed for the participants and consists of three modules:
- Introduction to project controls;
- Project planning e scheduling;
- Project cost management;
The first form introduces the project controls clarifying the objectives, the most advanced process and methodologies of a modern project control system. The focus is on the contents of a project plan aimed at tackling even the most complex projects.
The second allows you to learn the basic planning tools of projects, illustrating the method CPM (Critical Path Method) To manage complex projects, the planning of resources integrated with that of the times, The methodologies for measurement of physical progress. The most effective graphic representation techniques for communicating the status of a project are also presented. In the end, Examples developed with these techniques are shown using these Professional software such as Spring P6.
The third module Explore the cost estimate process, Training of the price and construction of the budget. Furthermore, The Value management methodologies gained, which constitute the most advanced approach for integrated time control, Costs and performances. The module provides a solid understanding of the techniques and parameters necessary to effectively manage the costs along the entire life cycle of a project.