Who I am


I am a freelance engineer and have been working as a consultant since 1991. I got a Certification in Cost Engineering (AACE) in the United States in 2003 And I gained over the age of national and international projects (UK, Qatar, Egypt, Türkiye). I worked for large construction companies, Engineering and PMC consultancy company (Project Management Consultancy) who support the clients in the realization of the investment projects of infrastructure works. In my professional activity I covered multiple roles, including:

  • Project Management Advisor;
  • Project Manager;
  • Project controls manager;
  • Quality manager;
  • Claim Expert.

I followed railway projects, road, subways, real estate development, hospitals, large shopping centres, museums, school building, With some experiences also in the Oil-Gas sector & Power. I started my professional career like many other engineers, abroad to build highways, but soon my interest in the management aspects of the orders prompted me to deepen project management and so I decided to specialize in this field and start my activity as a consultant.


The many US government projects in Italy over the years 2000 they gave me the opportunity to learn about advanced contractual architectures – NAVFAC, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command – con Requiri di Project Management very sophisticated and practically unknown on the Italian market at that time.

To meet these needs, I founded in 2002 it's direct, until the 2012, the società Casinelli Associates – project management consultants, a small consultancy boutique dedicated to project management and who offered services to primary national and international construction companies. We dealt with activities at the time certainly innovative, such as the analysis of delays (SDA, Schedule Delay Analysis) to support the contractual management and the application of EVM methodologies (Earned Value Management).

These experiences also led me to three publications, including “Guidelines to mitigate schedule delay from Owner’s point view. The case of US Navy projects in Italy” su Cost Engineering magazine, February 2005, and that was presented at the annual conference of the Cost Engineering Association (AACE), a New Orleans nel 2007.

Subsequently, My professional experiences have evolved towards the activities of PMC and PMO (Program Management Office) to support the client. I worked on the sistema di project management of Autostrade per l'Italia, on the CityLife project in Milan and on the Quadrilatero infrastructure development programme. In addition to these projects, I have hired assignments for international companies such as Egis Rail and Hill International, respectively on the project of the new Metro of Doha in Qatar and the new Grand Egyptian Museum in Il Cairo.

In conclusion, my curriculum, includes experiences on relevant projects (more than one billion euros), both on behalf of the client, than for that of the Contractor. This allowed me to acquire a profound knowledge of the organizational context and the processes, necessary for manage big projects, and to develop skills on Best Project Management and Project Control practices per mega-projects. Therefore, they are able to take on highly professional assignments and guarantee the realization of complex projects by hitting objectives, respecting the timing, quality and costs.


As Project Advisor, In addition to collaborating with companies for project management, I deal with Training on Project Management and Control methodologies and techniques.

Next to important companies in their most demanding orders: from planning and scheduling for the development of plans and programs, at the contractual management (EOT, Delay Analysis e relativi claim) in the context of international contracts, in analysis e Project risks assessment and in the setting Deli Quality Plans.

In the end, I take care of implementing sistemi di cost management e project monitoring Based on Methodologie Evm (Earned Value Management).

As a trainer, I was a teacher at the Luiss Business School, developing modules on the management of international contracts and the project delivery in public investment projects (public procurement) and private individuals in the construction and engineering sector.

Today, I developed project management courses complete, based on real experiences, which I propose in different ways to those who want to acquire or improve indispensable skills to grow in any business sector.